AMRAP in 25 min.

4 ten meter high knee sprints
20 OH DB presses 15/20 ea.
20 DB biceps curls 15/20 ea.
20 OH triceps ext 15/20

Post rounds completed to comments.


Beginning Jan 1 of this year GPP began the Optimal Health Challenge.  It was amazing.  Education, community, results - all amazing.  Besides the usual physical improvements (weight loss, strength improvements, etc.,) we also saw improved mastery of other important qualities of health.  Qualities we often forget from day to day.  

Each week we issued 3 distinct weekly challenges.  These challenges addressed several of the more important aspects of healthy living (lifestyle, physical, nutritional).  The challenges issued were to be completed to the best of one's ability and discussed with other challengers via comments in the blog.  Many of you saw these comments.  

We learned a lot from these challenges.  We saw a lot of improvement by participating in them.  A LOT.  

At the end of the 6 1/2 weeks it seemed a shame to quit doing them.  Although most of what you'd ever need to apply to your health can be found daily here (on this blog), there is always more to learn and know about this healthy experience.  We've decided to continue them.  Soon the weekly challenges will be issued (by email) only to those who request them (subscription based).  

Below are the challenges for this week.  Please join us, if you wish.  


Challenges Wk 7

Lifestyle Challenge (Video
-Read and discuss (to comments) "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho
-Complete within 2 weeks

Nutrition Challenge (Video
- Begin to supplement your diet with Vit D
- Read THIS article
- Please post best deals found on good Vit D sups to comments

Physical Challenge (Video)
- Perform 3 sets of 2 min Deep Squat Holds (elbows push knees out) daily.
- This will improve hip mobility and help you to gain more benefit from your squats.
- Best if performed after a 3-5 min warm-up.  Especially before squat workouts.
- Post improvements noticed to comments.



- The difference between an "immature" & "mature" squat.
- How to improve hip mobility by use of a prop. 


